Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mission 6

Answer the following questions in complete paragraphs. (no less than 5 sentences).

1.) How do you think the retro-fitting project will benefit the individual homeowner?
I think that the retro-fitting project will benifit the individual homeowner in several different occassions and help them with alot of things. It will deffinetly lower there monthly energy bill from a month to month basis. I think that the person that we are going to retro-fit is going to get a very good deal if they let us. It will make there home hot when its cold outside and it will make there home cold when its to hot outside. It will deffinetly make there lives alot easier when it come to paying the electricity bill.

2.) How do you think the retro-fitting project will benefit the Montbello Community?
I think that the retro-fitting project will benifit the Montbello Community in many different way and make it a better place in the future. People now would think that Montbello would be the last place where something like this would happen. When people find out that this happened in Montbello and all of the changes that have happened within the school they are going to be very surprised. It will help Montbello with good publicity from all of DPS schools. It will also benifit the Montbello comminity because they would get alot of recognition and good news.

3.) How do you think the retro-fitting project will benefit Montbello High School?
I think that retro-fitting project will benifit Montbello High School in many positive ways. One way that the Montbello High School would be benifited by the retro-fitting project would be by probably earning more money for the school. It will make the school more popular and kids that want to save the enviroment would want to attend Montbello high school and maybe even add to our sports. It will help out the schools reputation because at the moment it really isnt that good but is getting better as years go by. All in all i think that Montbello High School would really be benifited by the retro-fitting project.

4.)How do you think the retro-fitting project will benefit Denver, Colorado?
I think that the retro-fitting project will benifit Denver, Colorado in not that many ways but it will deffinetly make our community alot more known. It will probably benifit Denver, CO because maybe not that many high school's have this program where high schooler's actually get to retro-fit a home. It would be maybe something that would atract students from other high school's. It is very cool that our school is having this program and that it is going to benifit all of these places like Denver, Colorado. All in all i think that there wont be that much benifits in Denver, Colorado but there are some benifits.

5.)How do you think the retro-fitting project will benefit the Green Team?
I think that the retro-fitting project will benifit the green team in many ways. One way that the green team would be benifited would be becasue we are going to get alot ofd attention from newspapers to actuall news on the T.V. hopefully. Another way that we would benifit is because we are deffinetly going to be know in our community. We are also going to be known in our school because we are going to do such a great thing for someones home. All in all i think that us ther green team is gana benifit greatly with the retro-fitting project.

6.)How do you think the retro-fitting project will benefit you?
I think that the retro-fitting project will benifit me in alot of ways. One way that it could benifit me is becasue i think that after everything i would have a good feeling of helping some one lower their electricity bill and making there home more efficient. Another way that it could benifit me is because it is deffinetly going to help me on my resume and that would be great on it. It will also make me know by the newspaper and maybe even on T.V. if the green team is able to accomplish what we are trying to do.

1 comment:

Ms. Amber N. Smith, M.Ed. said...


Great work. Well thought out.

100/100 A