Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mission 3

Emanuel Caldera
P.5 10-15-08

The article "The Power is in Your Hands" is about different ways one can conserve energy so that our electricity bill's wont be so high every month. It also talks about different things that you can buy so that one wont use so much electricity in a month. Witch causing the electricity bill to be low. I saw that my school (Montbello High School) has alot of lights that are on all the time and aren't even needed for the school when classes are in session. There is also no recycling bins in my school or enough trash cans around the whole school.
All of these lights that are not being used during classes should not be on and waisting energy. But is they are required to be on they should atleast buy and replace the old lights with energy eficient light bulbs to save energy.In ones home there can be alot of home made things that can prevent you from using electricity for example instead of turning your heater on you can just use 2 more blankets for yourself to sleep with. One can also put plastic around windows so that the cold wont come into the home and make the home cold. There are alot of ways that one can do just at home without buying anything at the store that would help us reduce our electricity bill's and water bill's.
I think that in my home we do waist to much energy and i am recently finding out about energy eficient items that can lower our bills for electricity. I have replaced some light bulbs witch actually produce more light and are energy eficient i was really surprised of how that can be done. But as for leaving TV's on and radios and turning on/off our heater i guess we just have to be more smarter about the way that we use these items. One can buy things like energy eficient shower heads that make it seem like more water is coming out but really it is just forcing the water out faster but is certainly reducing your water bill's also. There are things like light bulbs,water tank heaters,shower heads, and alot of other things that can help you save money every month on your electricity bill and water bill's.

1 comment:

Ms. Amber N. Smith, M.Ed. said...


Excellent work on this blog. I am glad that you are able to implement small things to help your family lower their energy bill and consumption.

100/100 A