Thursday, February 5, 2009

Mission 8: Money Green

1.) What is a "green collar job? Define it and give an example.
A green collar job proposed that it is very compatible with jobs in the area of weatherization as these jobs will help reduce energy use and provide good wages and benifits.

2.) According to the article repairs costing $100.00 can save the how much money in heating bills for the home owner?
It can save heating bill by several hundred dollars each heating season.

3.) What is the Low-Income HOme Energy Assistance Program?
First of all it has enlarged in 2008, taxpayer dollars paid weatherization companies to check infiltration, improve insulation and seal air ducts. There are 140,000 homes across the U.S. which created about 8,000 jobs.

4.) If the concept of weatherizing homes takes off, how many jobs will be created each year?
It had spand to 78,000 jobs.

5.) In 2008, there were 8,000 jobs created, how were they created?
they were created by low-income Home energy Assistance program.

6.) Name two of the three easy fixes for home weatherization according to C&O Conservation?
The C&O;s two ways that can save and input, is by fixing with extra insulation, foam board and an adhesive compound.

7.) What are the two major things a "green collar job" will do?

Two major things a green collar job will, provide high enough wages and benifits to support an indivisual and contribute to the support of a family.They will also provide oppurtunity to advance and build a career for many individuals.

8.) Name two of the goals of a "green job," according to the article?
The two goals of a green job acording to the article are that they are going to proposed shift to reduce poor peoples energy bills instead of helping to pay for them through programs. They would also create alot more jobs throughout all of the United States.

9.) How many homes did President Obama promise to weatherize during his campaign?The number of homes that President Obama promised to weatherize during his campaign were
one million homes.

10.) How does this article relate to the Green Team project?

This article relates to the green team because they are going to make chnge peoples live by weatherizing their homes and us by retro-fitting it. We are both also creating something important that can keep on going for future use and to help make earth a better more efficient place.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mission 7: Retro Fitting

1.) Which hotel is a former jail and what famous person was once imprisoned there?
The hotel that was a former jail was The Liberty Hotel and the famous person that was held there was Malcolm X and Notorious anarchists Sacco and Vanzetti.
2.) Which hotel has a Greek god on it, what does that god symbolize and what was the former function of the building?
It was the Hotel Icon. The god symbolizies trade and commerce and the former function of the building was the historic Union Bank Building.

3.) Which hotel was once a factory and cold storage facility?
The hotel is named Hotel Monaco.

4.) What was Hotel Monaco formerly known as?
It was formely known as the city's General Post Office, which was also the first all-marble structure in the nation's capital.

5.) Which Hotel is expected to gain a LEED silver certification, what department store is below it and what was the former name of the department store?
The hotel is The Nines in portlad, Ore. The department store below it is Macy's which was the National register of historic Places.

6.) What hotel was modeled after rooms on a ship, which shipwreck survivors were housed there?
The Jane Hotel, the shipwreck survivors were the survivors of the Titanic.

7.) How do you get to Jules Undersea Lodge, what was it formerly used as?
You have to snorkel to the entrance which was once a former research lab in the waters of Key Largo.

8.) What was the Emily Morgan Hotel's former use?
It was formely The Medical Arts Building a landmark in the Alamo City.

9.) What famous national landmark is the W Minneapolis-Foshay building modeled after, what elements of the orignal building were used in the new building?
Italian marble, terrazzo floors and ornamental brass, bronze and nickel accents were used.

10.) What hotel was modeled after a hotel in a television show, what was the name of the television show?
The Avalon Hotel featured the show named, " I Love Lucy".